Oil Well Turtle
Housing Turtle
Smokestack Turtle
Radio Turtle
Turtle Tower
Woodcut Circus Horse Leaping
Death on a white horse
Circus Horse Woodcut
Dog and Cat
Ringmaster and Bears
woodcut Stegosaurus Fossil
Maryland Crab Pattern
Wizard with Owl
Flying Owl with Moon
Woodcut flying owl
Woodcut mermaid cat
Cat in a Fish Bowl
Slow Moving turtle on a wagon
Mouse and Cat
Mouse and Moon
Woodcut style Mouse
Horse Army March
All the Kings Subjects
Kings Army March
All the Kings Men
A Horse man
Mounted King on Horse
Childs Toy of a King
Amphitrite the Greek Goddess of the Sea
Two woodcut Lionfish
Peace Dove over the Earth
Peace Dove at night
Peace dove with olive branch
Serpent of Eden
Walking Fish Evolution
Rooster and typewriter
Woodcut Rooster on nest
Woodcut Chicken on nest
Rooster on Earth Globe
Chinese New Year Rooster crowing
Woodcut Giant Squid
Woodcut style octopus beneath the waves.
Woodcut Octopus
Woodcut style ancient Greek Galley with octopus
Woodcut Chinese Junk and Sea Life
Viking Longship Sailing in storm
Woodcut Greek Galley at Sea
Color Viking Longship Sailing